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Member-driven. Culturally-connected. Equitable health care.

As a cooperative community health centre, we are delivering culturally-appropriate health care to immigrants and newcomers in the Lower Mainland. Donors have helped us provide patient-centered care to over 3,000 families.

Our Programs & Services

Family Practice

     Family Practice

Social Determinants of Health

Pediatric Consultation Clinic

Pediatric Consultation Clinic

Voces Maternas

   Umbrella Babies

Umbrella Mobile Clinic

Umbrella Mobile Clinic

Past Programs

    Past Programs

Health inequities in British Columbia cost the province an estimated $2.6 billion annually (Health Officers Council BC).

Over the previous 10 years BC has received on average 40,000 immigrants per year – roughly 4% are refugees (BC Stats 2011).

40% of people who live in the Lower Mainland speak English as a foreign language (Stat Can, 2011).

I left Mexico to come to Canada in 2006. When I found out about the Umbrella Mobile Clinic, I eagerly volunteered. It felt wonderful to help my Mexican compatriots access health care in Canada. I was hooked on Umbrella, and became a member, expanded my volunteering to other programs and was elected to the board of directors in 2013. I became a mom in 2014, and joined “Voces Maternas”, where I was able to connect with other bicultural moms. I felt validated to be able to access culturally oriented health care. The UMHC physicians empowered me to make informed decisions about my health.” -Edith Cuellar Mata