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Pediatric Consultation Clinic

We operate a pediatric consultation clinic once per month for immigrants and newcomers who have language and cultural barriers accessing health services.


CCHBs are bilingual/bicultural health workers who bridge language and cultural barriers. They work with patients from their communities to access medical and social services and to empower them to make informed decisions. They support the relationship between patients and family doctors.


Our consultation clinic sees patients who self-identify as experiencing cultural and language barriers to accessing health care and have a referral from a family physician. A consultation clinic works with the patient’s family physician to provide specialized diagnostic and management support.


Currently our clinic is staffed by Middle Eastern (Arabic-speaking), Iranian/Afghan (Farsi/Pashto/Dari-speaking), Latin American (Spanish-speaking), and Eritrean (Tigrinya/Amharic-speaking) Cross Cultural Health Brokers.

For more information call us at 604-553-0633.

Rebeccaw Baby-Pediatric Consultation Clinic
Health care providers are more likely to have positive interactions with patients and provide better care if they understand what distinguishes their patients’ cultural values, beliefs and practices from their own (Canadian Paediatric Society).”

To support the Umbrella Multicultural Health Co-op:

Our Pediatric Consultation Clinic began as part of a pilot project generously supported by Green Shield Canada.

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