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You Can Help

The Umbrella Co-op is an independent, not-for-profit, cooperative community health centre. We depend on support from our donors to continue to deliver the high quality patient-centered care and health promotion activities that meets the health needs of newcomers.

The Umbrella Multicultural Health Cooperative is a registered charity and all donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt.

Here are just some ways your donation helps our programs:

$25 = 5 Pap smear tests

$50 = 2 health promotion workshops for a newcomer community

$100 = Cross cultural health broker to support a new family for 2 months

$500 = 3 months of weekly programming for our mom and baby groups

$1000 = annual maintenance and storage of our mobile clinic

Thank you to one of our many supporters, Vohora LLP. We are grateful for their auditing services!